What a mouthful. What does all of this mean? When is each one a good thing? Can we have them all at the same time? What do we need in order to be able to fulfill our God-given Life Dream?

Today, we celebrate Independence from England and the establishment of a new, and free country almost 250 years ago. But look at us now! Do we only see the bad that is going on? Do we see only the good? Can we see both and distinguish between them? One is trying to destroy us while the other is trying to help us become even better.

Our world and generation seem to be in much chaos, but I suggest that it is really in constant transition. Transition to what? If you believe in God and are a Christian, this can open up a can of worms, because many Christians are on opposite sides in their belief of what is currently happening and how it will progress. Clearly, sometimes we are our own worst enemies! Many read the Bible to help them find and discover the truth, but many don’t and just listen to those who claim to know the truth and get misled. There are many teachers in Christendom that teach opposing messages. Who is right? Who is wrong? Why does it matter? Read more

I’M SORRY | Song by Joseph James

I’M SORRY | Joseph James | LYRICS & CHORDS

This song is so unlike many of my other songs. It’s a message from beyond the grave to loved ones caught in the horrible path of its devastation. There is hope! There is a way through it all! There is healing!

Out of having ministered to, counseled many who were either contemplating suicide or someone who lost someone to it’s ugly claws, this song was born. The devastation left behind for family, friends, and acquaintances to have to unexpectedly deal with, is sometimes so overwhelming that it shatters many more lives in its wake. The morning after one such conversation with one of my Lyft riders in San Antonio, Texas, who had recently lost a dear friend to suicide, these lyrics were born, so I walked down to the patio of the hotel with my guitar, wrote them down and added the music.

I'M SORRY | Joseph Jamesa

(Available on Rumble | YouTube | 38 Streaming Services)

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Have you read the story of when an evil presence/demon came into Janiece’s room, the room went from being lit by the sunlight outside to pitch black in moments. She saw something appear in the darkness that terrified and paralyze her. What did she do to get the victory? This was during the 7 years of her mental struggles in and out of the mental hospitals. It’s on page 273 of the new Limited Color Edition SDDL book. Has this happened to you or someone you know?
We’ll be doing scenes like this in the movie. Get your Special Limited Edition book and read the journey before the movie comes out. Guess which scenes will be in the movie. Perhaps we’ll do a contest or something. What are your thoughts? We might put some things in the movie that are not in the book.

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