Have you read the story of when an evil presence/demon came into Janiece’s room, the room went from being lit by the sunlight outside to pitch black in moments. She saw something appear in the darkness that terrified and paralyze her. What did she do to get the victory? This was during the 7 years of her mental struggles in and out of the mental hospitals. It’s on page 273 of the new Limited Color Edition SDDL book. Has this happened to you or someone you know?
We’ll be doing scenes like this in the movie. Get your Special Limited Edition book and read the journey before the movie comes out. Guess which scenes will be in the movie. Perhaps we’ll do a contest or something. What are your thoughts? We might put some things in the movie that are not in the book.

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ANGEL ON THE WAY (Live) | Joseph James

Ok, just as I promised, here it is. The LIVE VERSION of ANGEL ON THE WAY, recorded here in the meeting room at the hotel last month. I am doing a series of 15 of my songs live, so that you can get a feeling of what the concerts will be like. Plus you can also cast votes for liking your favorites so that I can choose which ones to place on the first album. Be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel to be the first to hear the new music videos as they go live. Keep up with extra news on my FB Fan Page. I appreciate your support and prayers. I started this journey of writing 29 years ago. It’s time to get on the road to a city near you.

LOOK closely at the artwork on this one to see the special addition to the image for the song. If you see it, comment on it. I had fun designing this one. Please pass this link on to others who might need to hear the power of prayer. Blessings and I hope you enjoy it.

For bookings, concert and outreach info, please send a message via the contact page on this site or via Joseph James’s Facebook Fan Page.

Joseph James

Islands In The Sea Book 1 – Free For 5 Days!

FREE BOOK! Starting tomorrow, Book 1 of my new trilogy, ISLANDS IN THE SEA!, is available for FREE for 5 DAYS ONLY on Kindle. You can download the Kindle app to your devices, phones, tablets, computers for free if you don’t have a Kindle.

I wanted to give everyone a heads up, because I tried to set it for two weeks, but Amazon only allows 5 days free. Please share and pass this link on to anyone you know who would like to read it and/or the series.

It is a romantic, prophetic, mystery, thriller type novel that interacts with the supernatural. Janiece’s doctor asked me yesterday how romance and prophecy go together. Well, he is going to read it for himself…lol. But let the reader beware, I’ve been told it is hard to put it down once you start. The adventure begins in a few hours…

The King Walks In! – Book 1
The Lion Roars! – Book 2
Illegitimate? – Book 3

Islands In The Sea Trilogy by Joseph James