To all who are shopping for those special gifts for Christmas where a book might do well. I have written 8 books that you might be interested in checking out. Chapter 1 of each book is on my tour website and the books are available in print and Kindle. Not only will you be helping those you love but will be helping us with the new tour and outreach. Double win! DARE TO DREAM!

SENTENCED TO DEATH, DESTINED FOR LIFE | Tell My People I Love Them! | The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story | Joseph James | (Biography) (Janiece’s story of so many miracles is sure to encourage a lot of folks to keep going through the storms and looking for the miracles of a loving God. ISBN #978-0-9842422-4-5 19.95 (Website

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Books For Christmas by Joseph James

Just finished adding the new book to the Merchandise Sign for the Concerts.

Next two concerts in Omaha, NE. October 12, 2017 at the Sozo Coffeehouse, 7-9pm. More info here:

Great Christmas book sets available at the concert and on our Online Store – Beneficial Zone. Great reading for teens and adults of any age. Check them out and pass on the links to others.

Allegory, Fiction, Romance, Adventure, TrueStory, Mystery, Suspense, Supernatural, Dreams, Destiny, Purpose, Life Danger

Available at:

More Info and Amazon & Kindle Links:

Books & Music by Joseph James


Islands In The Sea Book 1 – Free For 5 Days!

FREE BOOK! Starting tomorrow, Book 1 of my new trilogy, ISLANDS IN THE SEA!, is available for FREE for 5 DAYS ONLY on Kindle. You can download the Kindle app to your devices, phones, tablets, computers for free if you don’t have a Kindle.

I wanted to give everyone a heads up, because I tried to set it for two weeks, but Amazon only allows 5 days free. Please share and pass this link on to anyone you know who would like to read it and/or the series.

It is a romantic, prophetic, mystery, thriller type novel that interacts with the supernatural. Janiece’s doctor asked me yesterday how romance and prophecy go together. Well, he is going to read it for himself…lol. But let the reader beware, I’ve been told it is hard to put it down once you start. The adventure begins in a few hours…

The King Walks In! – Book 1
The Lion Roars! – Book 2
Illegitimate? – Book 3

Islands In The Sea Trilogy by Joseph James