Welcome friends, fans, and guests. I’m starting something new today and we’ll see how it goes. I might have to course correct along the way, but that’s the fun in going on an adventure into the unknown. It’s been a long time since I have seriously written in a blog and I’ve done so much since. So, here goes! Welcome to the journey! I truly hope it blesses you.

I have so many things to share with you so that I might be able to encourage you today, give you some hope, perhaps some tips to make your life easier, and maybe some stories to help you in your journey. I’ve been through a lot of stuff, traveled quite a bit, and accomplished a lot of things. So, here goes! Are you ready?

I’ve been given a new lease on life and it’s changed everything. I had a seizure and a minor vehicle accident on March 8, 2024. It stress-fractured five of my vertebrae. The good thing about this was that it uncovered an eight mm cerebral aneurysm in my head between my left ear and eye. I was a walking time bomb with it just waiting to explode and kill me. I lost two months of my life in and out of the hospital, five visits, twelve days, and am almost fully recovered. It’s all repaired now and I am free to continue my Life Race! I’ll go into more depth in my following posts.

Where are you at in your journey of life? Are you running for your God-given Life Dream? Are you in the throes of despair and depression? Are you in a romance or recently broken up? Is your heart in pieces or mostly healed and restored? Do you have your own business or perhaps no work at all? Is life easy for you and you have fun things to share or is life so difficult, you feel so overwhelmed?

I’ve been in all of these places in my journey on this planet and I’ve learned enough to know that change is inevitable. Challenges and storms come to all, but so does the good, unless we give up and just quit.

I’ve hiked a lot of mountain trails in the Colorado Springs area and have filmed a lot of those and used the footage for many of my music videos. It’s proof…lol! Sometimes the trails seem impossible and you wonder if you’re going to make it back. One time, my son and I were walking on the side of this steep incline and it got so slippery with the fine gravel that I wasn’t for sure we were going to make it safely, but we did. We’ve been on top of Pikes Peak and looked down on the city and valley below.

Life is like this and if you ever get the chance, go out to the mountains and hike. Experience it and it’ll help you in life’s journey, because you have something to fall back on, something you’ve done in the physical to help you remember. That’s what I do and I filmed a lot of it to help me remember, especially when I’m feeling discouraged and depressed.

This challenging song I wrote, I’M GONNA FLY, is about going through a journey that was trying to get me to quit. I actually filmed this footage in Garden of the Gods. I needed to be able to keep my focus on where I was heading in the midst of everything blowing up in our lives.

We were traveling all over the country, 37 states including Alaska, plus driving through Canada. I had my business going and it was paying our way. Suddenly, it stopped and we lost almost everything including our only truck in South Carolina, and had to sell our tour trailer in Colorado Springs, grounded. I’ll share the rest of the story as I continue more posts. Keep going!

God created us to fly high and soar like an eagle in the sky in His Wonderful Presence, but life wants to keep us in harm’s way like that of a caterpillar, where it’s easy to get picked off by the birds of the air. We have enemies that would like to rule over us, but we were born/created for greatness. GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!

His Blessings & Favor to You!

Joseph James

The World Of Joseph James

MUSIC | Currently 5 Albums on YouTube, Rumble, & Streaming [Christian, Country, Folk, Soft Rock, Easy Listening] Romance, Challenging, Encouraging, Patriotic |

BOOKS | 9 Published Books & Currently Writing A New One |

MOVIE PROJECT | Currently Raising Funds For A Film On My Wife’s True Life Story Of Incredible Trauma, Miracles, & Healing | The Biography, Movie Teaser, Videos, & Movie Teaser Are On Her Website |

DREAMERS INK LIFE FORCE | Training Course with Podcast Videos to Help Folks Find Their God-Given Life Dream | Self & Group Help Study Course with Book & Study Guide, Specially Designed Journal, & 11 Podcast Videos by Joseph to Help in the Journey | | Join the Dreamers Ink Life Force Membership! Coming Soon! Special Rewards and Incentives!



Through our non-profit, GCU Events, we create community events through entertainment to help the community. Our goal is to help everyone discover and pursue their God-given Life Dream. We also invite non-profits to the event so they can help those in their community who need help. More info on the website and booking info! | | Check Out Our Sponsors!

We want to stop the suicides and human trafficking, so we work with each community to do that. I am a part of the Montgomery County Behavioral Health & Suicide Prevention Task Force here in Texas.

If you, or someone you know is suicidal or needs help, please call *988!

If you, or someone you know needs help from human trafficking, call 888.373.7888!

Together we can change our community and our world. We come together in times of catastrophe to join hands, why not now? Our world is in a state of chaos and catastrophe. Let’s join hands, work together, and change it! We The People!

We have GoFundMe & Patreon Projects where you can donate to help on a one-time or monthly basis. This helps us pay our expenses and go where we’re needed. We also need volunteers to help. Thank you for your help, prayers, and support!

Monthly Support | Patreon Project

One Time Support | GoFundMe Project


Sentenced To Death Destined For Life | The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story | The Movie Project


A Romantic Love Song To Joseph’s Wife, Janiece!